Saturday, July 15, 2023

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes...


If you said, "The Platters, 1959, from the album Remember When," you get 30 bonus points.

No, we haven't taken up smoking.  Can't even do the edibles, they just make me sleepy... but, I digress.  The wildfires in Canada have left smoke drifting over much of the US, and we are just getting our turn today.  There is a haze any direction you look, and you can kinda smell the smoke, but it isn't bad.  Yet.  With the current northwest wind aloft, we'll probably be experiencing this for the next few days.

It hasn't stopped us from getting out.  I took Rufus for a walk this morning - he did get in a visit with his girlfriend next door, Daisy...


Ruf and Daisy are about the same age, but you may have noticed that she is a big bigger than Rufus.  And a different species.  But, they seem to enjoy each other's company, and we are not ones to forbid this mixed relationship.  Daisy's Dad did let her out of the fenced area so the two of them could get nose to nose.  Daisy likes to play, Rufus is more about the snuggling... until he smacks her for getting too rambunctious.

The smoke didn't bother me while on a bicycle ride.  It just looks odd out there.

On a change of subject: if you were ever thinking about an Emerald Guitar, there are celebrating their 25th anniversary of guitar making from now 'til the 23rd of July and are offering 25% off any guitar in stock!  Yes, this really is a big deal.  They are generally "the price is the price" kinda business, except for the occasional 10% off offered to returning buyers.  And there are lot of people who own multiple Emeralds.

I know this, because I am one of those people.  They make spectacular guitars - the look, the sound, and especially the feel; they are the most ergonomically comfortable guitars I've played.  And that model on the left on that sales banner above is, perhaps, one of the most striking examples I've seen.  It happens to be a Virtuo, a model I don't have.  Just saying.

Alistair Hay, the owner and designer at Emerald said they sold "nearly 100 guitars the first 24 hours of this sale."  They generally sell about 15 guitars a week (my estimate, I don't have insider information), so this sale really is a "once in a lifetime" deal.  Someone on my guitar forum said they'd wait for the "50th Anniversary Sale"... funny.  For their 20th Anniversary, they introduced 3 new models and offered 10% off.  Yes, that was when I ordered my X10, the last Emerald I bought.

No, I don't get a commission for any referrals.

I think I'll get my X7 out when I'm done with this post.  :-)


Earl49 said...

That is an impressive sale. Fortunately, I am done with buying -- really. After my last experience three years ago I will ONLY buy a stock instrument from Emerald that can be returned if needed. My custom order did not work out (you know the story) and they were reluctant to take it back. Cost me several hundred dollars in shipping and restocking fees to return a defective guitar.

There is some possibility that we may trade with a fellow forum member at the end of August for a 2021 amber X20. We have an "extra" older X7 woody that would make for an even trade with him. If we get the X20, I have some local leads to resell it almost immediately. I pointed out this sale to him, but he likely won't go for it. They are downsizing to an RV lifestyle and he cannot have more than one smallish guitar.... and stay married. That is why he wants an X7. Small and durable.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - it is just the stock guitar inventor that is on sale... and what an impressive selection of guitars. I know the problem you had with that custom guitar. I've only ordered one custom, and other than the wait, had no issue. Tell your friend that I can vouch for the ease of an X7 in an RV. For full disclosure, I've had each of my guitars along in the motorhome at one time or another.