Friday, January 5, 2024

A Trailer...


Under the weather... feeling the cabin fever... just want to get out for a ride... too much time on my hands.


It's another "movie trailer".


From some video I shot one week ago today - the last time I got out (other than Joan hauling me to Urgent Care).  Even through the brain fog, I remember riding.  Besides, how many times do you want to read about Murphy learning to walk on a leash?  (He did good today, btw.)



Earl49 said...

Nice video, agent CTX. But now everyone knows your secret identity. Never underestimate the hunger for Murphy reports. I’m up early watching Bugs Bunny cartoons until it is light enough to feed Blackie the feral. We keep him trained to come during daylight to avoid “conflicts”.

I played my baritone guitar yesterday, inspired by talk on the forum and by playing the bass-heavy X30. It needs new strings, but is fun.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Bugs Bunny? I didn't see that coming! LOL I need to move onto something besides the morning news.

No shortage of Murphy reports... we learn something new every day. The big deal the last couple days: him Momma's lap when she has a blanket on it is a really nice place to be. He is getting cuddlier... it makes my heart happy to see those two together.

I played some guitar yesterday - not much of a singing voice right now. Glad you're enjoying the X30 again. I was having fun with the sweet balance of the X10.