Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Danger Zone...


If you said, "Kenny Loggins, 1986, from the album Top Gun," you get 10 bonus points.  Only 10?  Yeah, that may be the easiest Music Trivia question, yet.

This has nothing to do with Top Gun or Kenny Loggins.  I have been sick and housebound.  "So, your house is the Danger Zone?"  No.  But too much idle time?  Yeah, that can be a problem.  That's what led to the "movie trailer" yesterday from my last ride up South Mountain.

Even if I was feeling better, which is slow in coming around, Mother Nature is giving the Phoenix area some chilly weather.  By tomorrow night, the low is predicted to be 30º.  If I felt up to it, I'd be avoiding going out with that kinda cold.

So, in the words of the philosophers Styx: too much time on my hands (tick, tick, tick, ticking away).  I took a nap this morning.  I surf... the internet kind, not the riding the waves kind.  "Oh, look - I could use one of those..."  Doesn't matter what "those" might be.  I'm not a clothes horse, so I don't look for that kind of stuff; I bought a Billy Joel t-shirt at the concert last month and a pair of Levis last time we went to Costco - my wardrobe is good.

I don't need another guitar.  Who said that?  I mean, if push came to shove and the right guitar presented itself, I'd consider moving one out to bring another in... but, I'm not actively seeking.

So, that leaves... scoots.  There was some discussion before we left Texas that perhaps another scooter might be added to the garage.  Do I need another scoot?  What kind of a ridiculous question is that?  Of course, I do.  Another nice thing about being in a place that isn't "on the edge of the country": somebody is always selling something.  There are a couple scooters I would consider, and there is at least one of each for sale, reasonably locally.

Just out of curiosity, I saw a dealer had a new example of one of those scoots... advertised at "a blow out price of $1400 off MSRP."  I sent them an e-mail, asking for the out-the-door price... only $3200 higher than the "blow out" price.  So, mark it down so you can mark it WAY up.  It's how bike dealers around here seem to operate.  And why I tend to look for used bikes these days.  Not that I need one.

And, therein lies the danger.


Joan took Murphy for a walk in the yard today...

When they came back in, there was some snuggle time on the couch...

Murphy is getting good with the snuggles.  When we first brought him home, he was clingy... then, as he got used to us and the house, he would sit close, but not on.  He is learning.  He's a smart boy.

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