Thursday, January 25, 2024

Through the windshield...


I got out on the new scoot today.  It was brisk this morning, but turned out to be a lovely afternoon.

My plan was to take out the new scoot, then come back and get out on the CTX.  That didn't happen.  I got a call from the landscaper while I was riding -  he had a crew at our house and they were working on the pavers where they had settled.  He asked if I could get back there to see what they were finding.

"Yep - I can be back there in about 20 minutes."   That was happening fast.  I had just texted him last night about the paver situation.

When the crew had the pavers removed...

... it was clear what had happened: when the builder dug to put in the utilities, they filled that spot (under the utility boxes you can see on the exterior wall).  There had been no rain the entire time they were building the house.  With the current rain we had, that section of ground had settled, causing the pavers to settle along with it.

I called the builder's rep we deal with, and he was there about a minute later (good timing on my part).  I wanted him to see and document what was happening.  Between him, the landscaper, and me, we decided to fill, compact, fill, compact, and fill again; then reset the pavers.  Robert's crew did all that expeditiously...

That's s bit of water on the pavers where they washed it down when they were done.

Now, back to the ride.  I shot some video so that I'd be able to pull some stills from it.  With the camera chin mounted on my helmet, the views are all similar... it was my view while riding.  Heading up the mountain...

A reminder of the speed limit...

I don't know of you can make out the speedometer in these photos - I may have been a mile or two per hour over that... 'cause it's just so much fun to run the scoot through these curves... it is a delight to have this so reasonably close to our home.

Back to the ride...

That's a glimpse of the Valley in that image above.  With the camera on my helmet, I can't keep my head turned to much or too long, so... glimpse... but the view is good from my perspective (which is wider than the camera's view).

I was moving along at a pretty good clip, then came up on a Mustang convertible.  When the driver saw me in his rearview mirror, he picked up the pace.  No, he couldn't shake me...

I was on my way back down the mountain, still enjoying the views and the riding...

From above, I could see a white pickup truck off to the side of the road.  I thought it might be a Park Ranger...

Yep.  I had slowed down to the speed limit - he was looking close as I went by.  Riding scooters the last decade or so, I've noticed that you tend to be "overlooked" by LE, unlike if you were driving a crotch rocket or a Mustang convertible.  ;-)

Past the Ranger and back to the ride...

It was at this point that I got the phone call from Robert (the landscaper).  I went home, I did not pass Go, I did not collect $200.  But, I did get to be involved in what was happening with the pavers situation.

By the time they were done, it was getting to be late afternoon.  I decided to take the CTX out another time.

Still, a good day (any day you get a ride in is a good day).

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