Saturday, January 13, 2024



Another nice day in the desert - at 62º for a high temperature, it is a bit below "normal," but a pretty blue sky and nearly calm wind.  Murphy got to go out a couple times; we each took him for a walk in the yard, and then let him spend some leash time not walking.

He discovered we have a gate...

 Not sure what he will do with that discovery.  But, he could see that there is a whole 'nuther world beyond his yard.  He isn't ready for that.

Joan brought his carrier out to see if he would lay in it.  The only time he has been in it was when we brought him home...

He isn't afraid of it; actually went in it for a short time.  But, it is apparent it isn't his "safe space."

He does enjoy looking around the yard...

He has plenty to explore, but it has to be while he is on his leash.  He hasn't shown any sign of being a "flight risk."

It was nice to be out today.


Earl49 said...

Good progress with Murphy, and you too if you felt like taking him out into the yard. Exploring is a good thing.

I'm waiting for Blackie to appear with daybreak, then I'll put out some warm wet food and kibble. It is 7° this morning (!!) and we've had about 8" of snow the last two days, so it is a tough time to be a feral cat. We're doing what we can for him, and he takes shelter in our unheated shop.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Yep, progress for the Murph and me.

Good on you for making life easier for Blackie. You have a kind heart.