Friday, March 29, 2024

Everything's coming up...


If you said, "Roses, from the song of the same name, by Ethel Merman, initially written for the 1959 Broadway musical Gypsy," you get 200 bonus points... 'cause that's a mouthful.

I wasn't referring to Roses, though - this is the desert.  Out for a ride on the scoot this morning, I did stop to take a few photos of some of the flowers blooming in the desert...

On this particular ride, I didn't see any cacti blooming.  The weather is supposed to be crappy this weekend (wind and rain), but maybe I'll get out on one of the bikes for a desert cruise next week, to check out more desert blooms.

Today, I took the Burgman 200... I have been enjoying the heck out of that scoot, especially when riding it on some fun twisty roads.  I'm really looking forward to getting that new Corbin seat for this bike.  Speaking of the fun, twisty roads, looking down on it from a higher perspective, this is a portion of what I rode today...

Can you find the road in that image above?  And, a couple more flower images...

 In the midst of some prickly looking stuff.  It was a good ride - not much traffic and beautiful weather.  I did stop to fill up my gas tank: 80 mpg; pretty good considering my "enthusiastic" riding.  The estimated mpg readout on the bike said I was getting 84.5 mpg, a bit more optimistic than the actual.

Joan and Steph went off together to do some clothes shopping - they didn't need Dan and me along, but we did meet them for a nice leisurely lunch.  Traffic on the way there and the way home was thicker than usual: the Friday of a holiday weekend.  Between the weather and the traffic, it will likely be an at-home weekend for us.


Earl49 said...

I saw a few hints of color on the way back north last week, but no real blooms. Of course, I was making tracks on the highway and not stopping to smell the proverbial roses.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - in years past, this was about the time we'd be gearing up to leave Arizona to head back to Texas... seeing any desert color was hit or miss, depending on the precip. I think this year will be good for desert blooms over the next month. There has been regular rain (for AZ) and more coming over this holiday weekend. Just a bit early now.