Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy St Patrick's Day...


It's that day, once a year, when everyone thinks they have "a bit o' the Irish in 'em."  Or, just an excuse to drink... like celebrating Cinco de Mayo.  St Patrick's Day was originally about remembering St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who died on this day.

Or, about drinking.  Green beer.  Pinching someone who isn't wearing green.  And drinking.

So, in honor of this day of celebrating...

 Joan made corned beef and cabbage yesterday.  Yes, I am half Irish, but I am not a fan of corned beef; really don't like cabbage.  I'd rather have a burger.  Hold the beer; make it a Diet Coke, thanks.


Steph and Dan are out on their patio this afternoon; we gave them a TV (same one we use on our patio) for Steph's birthday.  They decided to pull out a pet enclosure they had with Blaine when he was a pup... I would call it a catio.  Steph sent us a text showing that she had Tasha and Tango in it... and Tasha was not happy about it.

I went over to check it out, then suggested they let Tasha go inside and I'd bring Murphy over... since Murph and Tango have spent time together in Murphy's catio.  That went well...


The boys do well together.


I heard from my friend Earl - he is coming to Phoenix today and we have a tentative plan to get together this evening and tomorrow.  For those of you who read this blog and aren't Earl: yes, Earl is the one who comments most frequently here.  He and I met years ago on a guitar forum and have gotten together when he is in Phoenix.  


Earl49 said...

And another comment. Good burgers tonight, and good to see you both again. Your house after lunch tomorrow (maybe a bit earlier).

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

It was a treat to see you this evening, Earl - looking forward to making some music tomorrow!