Wednesday, March 6, 2024

On this day, 11 years ago...


After 40+ years of motorcycles, we got our first pair of scooters...


One of today's Facebook Memories.  Those were the Honda PCX 150s that reignited our passion for riding.  Due to my creaky hip, I was about ready to be done riding.  Joan suggested we get a couple scooters.  I resisted.  We got a couple scooters... and it turned out to be more fun than I could have imagined.

I thought those scoots would be our last bikes.  I have learned to not say that.  We kept them for 5 years before moving on to something bigger, with some highway capability.

Having these scoots was a lifestyle change for us, as well.  It was the beginning of the end of our boat cruising.  We had the scoots in Friday Harbor for a few years while we were working boat jobs, both while living on our boat and then for a couple years with the motorhome.  I looked forward to my "scoot commute" each day; plus, big fun putting the scoots on the Washington State Ferry to ride other islands or go "to America" (the mainland).

The scoots changed how we got around while in the Phoenix area during our visits here; we rode them all over the Valley (avoiding the Interstates and freeways).  The PCXes were good up to about 55 mph... oh, you could get them up to 65+/-, but it wasn't any fun at that speed.  The bigger bikes make that a non-issue.

Our Christmas photo that year...

Where we are today...

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