Saturday, March 30, 2024

Itchy Feet...


Is that a punk band or do you have athlete's foot?

Neither, but thanks for asking.  The Facebook Memories right now are full of posts of us getting ready to head out.  Most of our trips to Arizona in the past 20 years were during February and March... then heading back to the Tropical Tip of Texas around the 1st of April.  Then, a month or so later, gearing up for heading off to a "fun summer job" or getting ready to spend a summer traveling... or since 2018, going to Hart Ranch in the Black Hills to enjoy riding the great roads there.

This year, we don't have to make that trek east, always dreading the long expanse of west Texas.  We have been here in Arizona since October, and I am feeling that itchy feet desire to go... somewhere.  We have decided we are not going back to South Dakota this summer; Joan had some riding much further east on her bucket list (Tail of the Dragon*), so that is our plan.  There is a scooter gathering happening in North Carolina in July, so we are planning our timing around being able to do that.

But for now, we don't have to "pull up stakes," and get on down the road.  Going to check on the motorhome on Wednesday got me thinking about a trip somewhere before we head east this summer.  We are discussing options.  Short term, the weather is going to turn by this evening - it is a beautiful start to the day, but is supposed to be rainy (possible thunderstorms) and windy tonight, Sunday, and Monday.

Next weekend, I have a 2-day class on learning about CanAm 3-wheel motorcycles.  I don't have any plans to get one, I am just curious about them...

I am thoroughly enjoying my CTX700 and the Burgman 200 scooter... absolutely no plan for one of these 3 wheelers.  But, I am curious about them.  This class will give me some hands-on time without having to deal with a dealer.

The timing for this class next week is the same time as the Parade of Homes in the Litchfield Park area.  We did that last year and enjoyed it a bunch.  Dan does the design of the brochure for this group, so we did the tour last year, for the first time.  Joan will likely go with Steph and Dan next week, while I do my class.  Odds are pretty good, my feet will be even itchier after that.

For a short trip, I suggested Laughlin; Joan was thinking Tucson.  This was a discussion we had over a month ago.  When I brought it up again yesterday, I mentioned Tucson... and Joan suggested Laughlin.  No rush, but there is only one cure for those itchy feet and it has nothing to do with lotion.


* If you want to check out Tail of the Dragon:



Earl49 said...

A friend of mine in Anchorage has one and he kept offering to let me ride it during my visits. But there isn’t room on the pegs for my size 14 feet, and my legs had to bend acutely. Guess they are not made for me. You should have better luck.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - I'm not in the market for a Can-Am, but I am curious enough about them that I'm investing in the class. I expect it will be pretty basic, but also includes some time on the bikes. One thing I did find out about them while researching: the bigger size and dollar Spyders have floorboards that are adjustable but requires loosening a bolt. The Ryker (smaller and less expensive) has foot pegs that are adjustable without needing a tool... and the brake moves with the peg. Not saying they will move far enough forward to be comfortable for a guy your size, but I thought that was a smart feature.