Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuu!


On this day, many years ago (Is it still rude to state a woman's age?), a screaming, crying bundle of joy came into our lives.  Today is Stephanie's birthday.  For the record, she doesn't look a year older.  Well, to be fair, I won't see her until she gets home from work today... I suppose she could have changed since last night.  But, I digress.

It has been said that having a child changes your life.  It gives you someone to care about more than yourself.  It is a hope for the future.  It gives you gray hair and keeps you up at night.  And, if you raise them right, and they make good decisions, it gives you pride that you can't describe.  We raised a good kid.  She made mostly good decisions... I won't talk about the ones that weren't good, because today is her birthday... but, I digress again.

Stephanie has a good heart.  She is kind and caring.  It is her birthday, and while we're celebrating, I will give her Mother and me a pat on the back - we did a fine job.

Happy birthday, sweet girl!


When Steph and Dan got home from work, we went out for supper.  She requested Texas Roadhouse - I was all in for that.  It was our treat for her birthday... and we shared a couple of tasty (sugar-loaded) desserts.  Then, back home for cards and presents (after her day at work where she got cards, presents, and balloons)...

A good day.


Earl49 said...

Happy Birthday, Stephanie. I'll probably be there in the next 7-10 days to present wishes directly.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - She'll probably read this, but if not, I'll pass on your birthday wishes. See you soon.