Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Everyone knows...

... it's windy.

If you said, "The Association, 1967," you get 200 bonus points.  For those keeping track, The Association was known as "an American sunshine pop band" for the easy-listening feel and harmonies in their songs.

A wind advisory for all of the Rio Grande Valley, including the Laguna Madre and Gulf of Mexico for this afternoon.  Knowing that my riding days will most certainly be curtailed in the near future, I suggested we get out on the scoots before the wind really kicks (predicted to gust above 40mph).

We took the scoots to Manuel's for one of their famous breakfast tortillas; along the way, we stopped so I could get the latest "scooter tag" (your scoot at a vet or animal hospital)...

And then my new tag: your scoot at a Mexican restaurant...

After breakfast, we rode out of town on Highway 100; the plan was to go check out the nearly completed new road to the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge.  Before we got that far, the wind was really building, so we turned around and went back to Port Isabel, and some shopping before heading back home.

It wasn't a long ride, but it was good just to be out on the scoots.

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