Tuesday, April 23, 2019


"You're retired, Jim, what stress do you have?"

Thanks for asking.  Like most folks, most of my stress is self-induced.  Another doctor visit this morning.  I would have been cleared for the hip surgery... but we happened to have a 20-year old EKG that looked different from the one I just had.  So, they got me in at a cardiologist's office... for another 4 hours of tests... since I can't run, thanks to my gimpy hip... I think that will be my rap name: Gimpy Hip... I was going to go with Dip Shiddy, but I think Gimpy Hip has a cool (dare I say: hip) ring to it... damn, digressing again.  Anyway, they did a "nuclear chemical stress test" instead of the treadmill.  I told the doctor I could handle 15 minutes on the treadmill, he and Joan agreed that would be too pain inducing.  So, instead, they "chemically induce stress on my heart" - and that isn't a concern?

So, I went to the doctor this morning, thinking we were having a "discussion" about my clearance for surgery, and the next thing I know, I am in a cardiologist's office?  Stress test?  No shit, Shakespeare, that is stress-inducing.

They took more blood at the internist's office; then had to run an IV into my other arm to inject whatever it is they inject.  Nice to have matching holes in both arms.  The guy who was sticking me for the IV at the cardiologist's office asked, "Do you have good veins?"

"It has never come up in conversation," I said;l "I've been told I have nice legs, and one of those has a vein that sticks out like a relief map of the Mississippi River - does that count?"

Apparently not.

Lucky for me, it was an early doctor's appointment, so I was unintentionally fasting.  And early enough that they somehow managed to get me in at the cardiologist's office.  But not early enough to get an "echo test, ultrasound" done today, along with doing something chemically to my heart (seriously, does that sound too close to "lethal injection" to anyone but me??).  So, another early day tomorrow.  Damn, I'm going to miss my water exercise class again.  I'm just starting to get good at those exercises.

We stopped at the surgeon's office today, after leaving the cardiologist's office, just to let them know that we are doing all we can to get this release to them as soon as possible.  The nice lady who does the surgery scheduling thinks we have probably missed the deadline for an earlier "cancellation date"... but, the surgeon stuck his head in and said, "We'll see what we can do to make this happen for you."  He knows what to say.

We'll see what happens at the cardiologist's tomorrow morning.  If there is an issue there. I guess the hip gets moved down a notch.

My brother-in-law, John, has described this situation: these medical people "get you in their clutches."

It has not been my intent to turn this into a "malady blog"... I would like to be posting about our plans for some fun scooter riding, visiting with our dolphin friends, and how cool Rufus is... and I hope to be doing just that as soon as possible.

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