Friday, April 5, 2019

Five driving days and...

... we're home!

Holding tanks flushed and dumped one more time this morning.  We were ready to roll at 9:30; a bit of fog south of San Antonio...

It wasn't bad.  In fact, another decent driving day since we were heading south and not having to look into the sun.  This last stretch is something we've covered many, many times.  Whether you are heading north, east or west, you pretty much have to get to San Antonio first (yes, not to get to Houston... but, who wants to go to Houston??).  So, in other words: there isn't much new to see along this stretch.

We aren't the only ones triple towing across Texas...

We passed about a dozen of those in the past two days - I think they are heading to Mexico - the ones in the photo above are some of the better looking we've seen.

Rufus spent time on his short tower, and time on Joan's lap once again...

A short 5 1/2 hours after leaving last night's RV park, we rolled into Port Isabel; we pulled into the Wally World parking lot to unhook the CR-V and cargo trailer from the motorhome... easier to get things parked by the house.  Rolling across the bridge onto our island...

And, we are home...

Joan pulled in ahead of me and got the line off the driveway; we parked the coach beside the house and put the car and cargo trailer in the driveway...

Let the unloading begin!  We say we won't be crazy about this process, but we always go after it... 3 hours later, the coach was unloaded and most of the stuff was put away in the house.  We are tired.

Rufus made me laugh: we brought him into the house, and he was absolutely giddy!  "We're home!  We're home!  I love our big house - look, I have a tall tower, and all kinds of places to lay... "  He was pretty darn vocal, too; meowing as he went from room to room.

I took a short 3-song break to rest my aching back and pulled the X7 off the wall to play a couple (well, 3) songs.  Rufus hopped up on the back of my chair, by my shoulder.  He is a happy boy!

Now, for full disclosure, it will take a few days to get settled back in.  But for now, we can take the rest of the night off.

Home, sweet home.

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