Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Movin' on up...

If you said, "To the east side; the theme song from the Jeffersons TV show," you get 150 bonus points.

That, however, is not the "movin' on up" I'm talking about.  Ducks lined up today: I was waiting at the cardiologist's office when they opened this morning.  First in line for an echo-cardiogram.  The cardiologist read it right away, and gave his OK for surgery; for those who think I am heartless, there is one there and it is working fine.

The office manager there said, "We will give you a written release - I would suggest you take this directly to your surgeon's office."  She didn't have to suggest it.

At the surgeon's office, the lady who does the scheduling said, "Well, I didn't want to say anything when you were in yesterday since you didn't know the results from the cardiologist, but we have had a cancellation for this Friday.  It's yours if you want it."

"Friday?  As in two days from now?  Absolutely!"  She nodded her head.  Truly, I couldn't say "yes" fast enough.  I feel like I have done nothing but getting ready for surgery stuff since we got home, and I am ready to get on with this!  I was so happy I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

So, another day of "pre-op" stuff tomorrow, at the surgeon's office and the hospital.  Friday is Bionic Hip Day.  Yes, I know the hospital folks could toss more hoops to jump through tomorrow, but I feel like the goal is in sight.  AND, two full weeks ahead of my originally scheduled surgery date!

It took a lot of corralling, but the ducks are lining up.

Out for a late breakfast when we were done at medical offices, then off to the storage unit - a few things to get out of the motorhome and I wanted to check and lube the steering tube on the boat... like a visit to the cardiologist, all was good with the boat.  We pushed it back in place, put the motorhome back in, and had a leisurely drive back home.

I feel like the pressure is off.

Plus, Rufus (who had been very clingy yesterday when we got home) was happy to see us.  Settling in for the afternoon...

He's gonna miss me while I'm in the hospital... yeah, I'm going to miss him, too.  Nothing like rubbing some great kitty belly to keep the blood pressure down.  ;-)

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