Monday, April 15, 2019

Kickin' my butt...

No, Joan isn't woopin' on me, and Rufus knows better.

After a few days of getting some exercise in the pool on our own, today was the first time we took the pool exercise class.  I described it last week as "a dozen or so lady senior citizens and one old guy"... well, including myself today, there were two old guys, many of the same ladies, and one much younger babe that rode with me to the pool.

Everyone was welcoming, and after the usual, "You've been here how long?" questions (we don't participate in the activities here, so most folks are surprised to discover how long we've owned here), we all went to work.  There is no dawdling: they go right from one exercise into another... and if you participate actively, it is a good work-out.  More than I expected.  My ass was dragging just a bit as we walked to our car.

So, a new morning routine.  If the exercise doesn't kill me.  ;-)

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