Thursday, April 11, 2019

Track hog...

Nothing to do with taking a Harley to the race track.

My buddy and music partner Mark got a new keyboard/synthesizer; needless to say, he is excited.  I'm excited for him and anxious to hear what it can do.  We started that process today: I sent him Spire Studio tracks for a song I had already recorded... looking forward to hearing how it sounds with a keyboard added.

Track hog?  Yeah, you can put 8 separate tracks on a Spire file... the file I sent him has 7 tracks that I used.  So, I didn't leave him a lot of space.  We will (hopefully soon) start working on some songs from scratch, where we can each add what we want.  This was a test, mostly to go through the process of uploading Spire tracks and seeing how they download on his Spire Studio.

I am fired up about being able to collaborate with Mark while 1,300 miles apart.


After a late, leisurely lunch, I was fired up about swapping some Spire Studio files, so I sat down and did 5 tracks of a song Joan requested: Shallow (by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper)...

I left more tracks for Mark; when he gets a chance to add keyboard and synth, I'll post that.  Trying not to be a "track hog" with this one.  :-)

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