Monday, April 1, 2019

I've had it...

As we get ready to head out this morning, I looked at some of the light-hearted responses on the carbon fiber guitar forum about me giving the harmonica a try.  One guy (Evan) suggested an easier alternative: a kazoo.  It prompted me to make the decision to sell all my guitars so I can concentrate on this exciting alternative.  Here's what I wrote...

I've had it...

It has been 55 years now that I've been playing guitar. "You started while in the womb?" you ask. Yes, thanks for asking.

I've learned a lot on this forum, but Evan has convinced me. Check the classifieds, as I have listed all my guitars. There are some good deals, because I am "cleaning house." And that is not easy to do, as we are still in our motorhome... but, hitting the road today.

And by "cleaning house," I have some amps and PAs in there, as well. And by "good deals," I am talking: buy one, get one free. Shipping included with the posted price. Try them for 45 days with no risk.

I may change my mind, so get one (or two) of these locked down... before I come to my senses.

"Why?" you ask. Again, thanks for asking. I really should be better than I am, having played for so many years. I considered getting one of those "World's OKest Guitar Player" shirts. But, no. I have found the instrument that I excel on, and I am putting everything into that. Evan let me see the light.

I am starting a kazoo band. Knowing what I know about carbon fiber, of course, that is where I'll be concentrating my kazoo acquisitions. I have discussed this at length with Alistair and have given my input on proper ergonomic-designed kazoos. I know he will come up with instruments beyond my hopes. I am particularly excited about the cocobolo veneer standard size kazoo, but he has some thoughts about a baritone kazoo that will change your thinking about what a kazoo can be. This is a game-changer, and I don't even understand the rules of the game. This will be followed by newly designed Level 7 pickups being installed on a special "double-lip" kazoo.

Be watching for the exciting unveiling and video reviews on the upcoming NKD (New Kazoo Day)!


I'm so excited I don't know what day it is!