Monday, April 8, 2019

This is more like it...

Moving back in takes time.  Fortunately, we have time, so it doesn't have to all get done at once.  Last night, Joan said, "How about you take me out for breakfast tomorrow?  We can take the scoots and go to Pier 19."

"I'm in!"

It was an absolutely glorious morning!  65º and no wind when I got up at 7:00... yeah, this is going to be a perfect day to play on the scoots.  By 9:30, when we were ready to head out, it was 75º, sunny, and almost no breeze.  I got the scoots out, we geared up (cool enough that we could stand to wear our mesh armored jackets), and we headed off our island, a few blocks in PI, then across the causeway to South Padre Island.  As beautiful as the water was, I regretted not putting a camera on the scoot: lovely blue sky and water, blissfully calm.

Pier 19 was busier than I expected, but no wait for a table.  Joan remembered that Monday is my favorite breakfast special there; she ordered one, too: a meat omlette with cheese and gravy, breakfast potatoes, and a fresh baked biscuit.  Tasty!

On the way out, we took a few photos...

And, something for the current scooter tag...

We rode up the bay-side of the island and down the Gulf-side.  Nice to just look around... seems that the island made it through spring break just fine.  Back across the causeway and into the next town to get the Vespa inspected; it has been almost a year with it, so time to renew the registration.  With the fresh inspection in hand, we stopped at the local county office to get the new tag - the Vespa is good to go for another year.

The weather weasels are calling this a "low humidity day"... it is only 53% humidity this afternoon.  That would be really high compared to the single and low double digit humidity was had while in Arizona.  Perspective.

I have a doctor's appointment early tomorrow morning.  They said they'd call to confirm and I hadn't heard from them, yet... so I called them.  The receptionist was a teensy bit curt - I think she thought I was calling to cancel.  Nope, I've waited a long time for this; I'm ready.  Then she said, "We are not able to confirm your Medicare..."  A teensy bit curt again, until she realized they had my last name spelled wrong.  I nicely said to her, "Pretty sure I know how to spell my own name - sorry if your people couldn't write it properly."  She got nicer.

We'll be turning in early tonight.

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