Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Back to the coach...

No, we didn't change our minds regarding moving back into the house.  We knew there would be another load to go from the motorhome to the house - we decided to get it done this morning.  I would say "before the heat of the day," but it doesn't cool off much at night here.

We picked up breakfast at Whataburger (a Texas institution) on the way to the storage unit.  With bellies fortified, we gathered and moved the last of our things that needed to come home.  Joan cleaned while I took the tow bar stuff off the Honda.  The coach is officially "put to bed" until our next outing.

Back home, and everything moved inside and put away.  I wanted to get a couple things out of the cargo trailer, so we went after that: the scoots are unstrapped and ready to be ridden, and everything in the trailer in its proper place...

All this done in less than 24 hours since we arrived back home. 

One last task (and that is on me): get my music room put back together... there are some guitars looking to get played.  ;-)

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