Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Morning Outing...

Warm, humid, and calm this morning.  Stepping outside, everything (including me) was dripping.  Time to take the boat for a shake-down run.  Joan chose to go to the store, instead.  Rufus was ready to get out at the door, but I thought it best to leave him home, until there are two humans on the boat.

I shoved off and headed down the canal...

Coming around the corner, this guy stood out in the haze...

Obviously, he didn't stand out enough for the Nikon to get a crisp focus.  Moving down that canal...

Patches of blue, looking to the north.  Better light for this osprey on a tall post...

Just coming out of the canal, the morning light was looking good on these boats tied along the wall at the marina...

Less than 100 yards out of the canal, my first dolphin sighting...

I watched them feed for a bit, then noticed something missing as I motored into the turning basin...

That is the last daymark on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.  Moving along, the clouds were pretty, reflecting in the calm water of the ship channel...

As I powered up to run the boat at speed, I saw another of our dolphin "tribes" (Scarlet's name for the pods) feeding along the south side of the ship channel...

I didn't get too close - they were obviously feeding, working into the slight current in the ship channel.  Great to see them again...

 A morning spy hop...

I thanked them for the viewing (yes, I talk to them), moved away slowly, then powered up.  Looking west in the ship channel, a bait shrimper in the distance...

A couple pelican fly-byes...

A Coast Guard boat tied off in the turning basin...

Just before turning into our canals, this workboat went by...

A nice way to start the day.  Not much boat activity out there, but it is enjoyable to take it all in, especially on a rare calm morning.

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