Sunday, October 13, 2019

Not even close...

More about the title in a bit.

In years past, I used to declare a "birthday season."  With a July birthday, I felt that people shot off fireworks on the 4th to start my "season celebration."  I got over that when working in the Pacific Northwest and only getting my actual birthday off once in 5 years.

"What does a July birthday have to do with anything?" you ask.  Hey, I'm getting there.  Someone else has a birthday this week.  It's not Rufus.  Yes, that narrows things down a bit.  To celebrate the season, I suggest we go out for a more upscale breakfast... or as Joan calls it: Fru-fru food.  Marcello's has a unique brunch menu.  And today, music was provided by a lady who played cello... not your typical symphonic kinda cello music - she used a looper and several other effects pedals to lay down a bass line, then rhythm, then played a lead over the top of that.  Quite nice.

After brunch, we took Rufus out on the deck while we rolled down the sun-screens... the wind has settled down some, but it is still just a bit cooler than it has been.  As in: in the 70s this morning.  It is delightful.

And then, out on the scoots.  I was anxious to see how Joan liked that piece we installed and the lowered windshield...

We did some highway riding, some smooth new 25 mph road, and some in-town riding.  She declared the windshield position and the new mounting accessory a success.

Now, about that "not even close" stuff: we did some acceleration comparisons... from a stop, and roll-ons at 20 and 40 mph.  Not even close.  All I saw was her tail-lights disappearing in the distance.  That Yamaha pulls a lot stronger than my Vespa... and my Vespa is no slouch.

In previous roll-on comparisons with my Vespa and one of the PCXes, the Vespa pulled away.  Now, the shoe is on the other foot... or, the seat of the pants is on the other scooter.  Yes, I am still happy with my Vespa.

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