Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cool Breeze...

For the first time since we've been home, it was cool enough to actually need jackets while out on the scoots.  One in a row!


Out on the highway...

Heading back home, we stopped to pick up the current scooter tag...

And back to our island...

Another look at the Quad Lock - the phone holder...

We topped off gas tanks today; my miles per gallon were, as expected, less than what I was getting in the Black Hills.  I don't know why.  It is more "the average" I do expect: 76 mpg.  Joan filled up at the same time.  Yes, her Xmax is larger, heavier, more horsepower than the Vespa... it, also, got 76 mpg.  Doesn't seem right, huh?

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