Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Like royalty, and: getting on and off...

Royalty?  I thought you said your job was the court jester?

So, you were paying attention.

Today was a busy day: Joan always has projects and shopping on her schedule.  She cleaned the house exterior and the deck yesterday.  With that done, I was able to get the patio mat stapled down and get the deck set up for that "cooler weather" the weasels keep promising us... and not just a quick front blowing through.

I also shuttled the car and the Honda scoot to a state inspection station.  Before taking any vehicle in for our annual inspection, I take a moment to look all the lights and safety equipment over... the PCX needed a new bulb for the license plate light.  When I took the car, there were three people ahead of me, so it took about 45 minutes.  When I took the scoot, there was no one waiting... which was good, because I was coming up on time to get to a dentist appointment.  Instead of going home and swapping rides, I took the PCX across the causeway to the appointment.

The dentist is not there this week, but her assistant was able to do X-rays and photos and set me up for an appointment next week.  Another tooth that has just about wore out, with two old fillings and a new crack.  No doubt I will be looking at another crown.  Yeah, that's my "royalty" reference.  Nothing to do with Imperial Margarine (anyone remember that?).  ;-)

Next project: after charging up the batteries, get the e-bikes out, air up tires, check over the gears, brakes, and electronics... and the big check out: see if I am able to get on and off the bike.  We have had these e-bikes for about 3 1/2 years - I have never had an issue riding mine, but with the bad hip, it was a real chore to get a leg over to get on or off the bike.  Time to find out if this new hip is continuing to improve my mobility...

Yep.  I was able to toss that leg over with no problem.  A bit more work getting myself onto the seat, but that is more of an inseam issue than a hip issue.  I was able to ride faster and further than with the small folder than has been my pedal-ride since the surgery.  I can dial back the pedal assist, and it is a work-out, like a regular bike; or, punch up the pedal assist and cover a lot more ground to get a similar work-out.  There is something to be said for seeing some different scenery.

The next concern was that "hop down" from the seat to the ground when stopping the bike.  Yep, that works, too.  Joan and I rode for a couple miles... feels good.

Added bonus: I grilled some chicken while Joan made the sides for our "lupper" (late lunch, early supper).

Finally starting to feel like we are really moved back in.  Well, once there's a boat at our dock, but that may be next week some time.

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