Saturday, October 26, 2019

Time flies...

... when you don't know what you're doing.

Six months today since the hip replacement.  According to the physical therapist I had early on, "From six months to a year, you will just be 'living' again."  I guess I am on schedule.

Does it still hurt?  Some days more than others.  I was probably 4 months into it before I had a time when each step didn't hurt.  These days, there are more of those not-hurting steps.

Are you glad you did it?  Sure.  I can now get through a night's sleep where the pain doesn't wake me.  I can walk much further than I could before the surgery.  I can ride a bicycle again, including my (tall) e-bike, recently.  I haven't had to use a cane in a while.  My day-to-day movements are improved.

Speaking of walking and bike riding: it was a cool start to the day here in the Tropical Tip: 57º and a cool breeze out of the northwest.  Joan got into our "cold weather gear" drawer to get me a stocking cap and gloves...

Yeah, I needed them.  And the light sweatshirt.  In fact, I walked by a guy who was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and he commented how I was smarter than him.  I just don't like to be cold.  Walking or riding with the wind was a delight, against the wind, you noticed that cool breeze.  I got in a mile of walking and between 4 and 5 miles on the bike.  It felt good to warm up in the jacuzzi tub afterwards.

There is a scooter ride on the agenda today, and we'll be able to comfortably wear our jackets (with armor).  It has been so warm here since we got back that there were days we just had to leave the jackets home.

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