Thursday, October 31, 2019

Right on schedule...

I have always had a fascination with weather.  A couple prior careers and endeavors meant always keeping an eye on what Mother Nature had in store.  Back in the day, I could entertain myself by watching the Weather Channel.

You might think that my mentions of "the tropical tip" imply that it is always balmy weather, with swaying palm trees.  We certainly get a variety of weather here, even if the seasons aren't as much of a drastic change as up north.

The weasels were calling for a front to blow in last night.  In fact, on one channel, the weather guy said, "Those on the coast should see the front arrive around 7:00 this evening..."

It was warm, humid, and breezy yesterday.  I think a lot of folks here were looking forward to some cool weather.  At 6:30 pm, the wind stopped, the sky to the northwest got dark, and any opportunity to see the sunset was obliterated by clouds.  I went down to the dock to check lines on the boat... even though it was only 82º, the eerie stillness felt stifling.

Then, right at 7:00, the wind began to kick up from the north and the temperature dropped about 15º in just minutes.  The wind speed continued to climb and there was a spit in the air.  Again, checking lines on the boat, it felt chilly.  As the evening progressed, more wind and lowering temperatures.  Another weather guy described it as: "The high for Thursday will be 20º colder than the overnight low temperature (for Tuesday into Wednesday)."

Yep.  It was 51º this morning when I got up.  It was 80º at this same time yesterday.  The wind is blowing 31mph, gusting to over 40.  I stepped outside to check lines (having a boat will get you out of the house ;-) ) and hurried back inside.  Rufus stuck his handsome face outside and said, "I don't think so."  That cold north wind will be significant all day today, and the predicted high: might make it up to 60º by the evening.  Yes, the high will be 20º colder than yesterday's low.

One in a row!

They are now saying that this will be the coldest Halloween on record - the kiddies will need to bundle up to go out to trick or treat. 

I'll be exercising inside today.  Unlike the frozen northland, though, we'll be back to 70º or so tomorrow.

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