Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Exorcist...

Maybe more like "Rosemary's Baby".

I had a hankerin' for something chicken-fried.  That's "Texas talk," and they know how to make chicken fried steak or chicken fried chicken around here.

We generally avoid going out to eat on weekends, this being a resort area and all.  But, since we have returned home, the crowds have been very light.  It's typical for this time of the year and one of the things we like about it.

Joan suggested we go to Blackbeard's on the island for lunch.  We waited until after 2:00 to head that way to let the lunch crowd thin out.  The plan worked and we got seated and waited on right away.  Joan ordered chicken fried steak, I went for the chicken fried chicken.  And, a chicken fried Diet Coke.

The food was good, the conversation pleasant.  When we were close to being done eating, a family with a couple small kids got seated around the corner from us.  One of the kids was an infant... and apparently not happy about the fact that he or she was not able to eat anything chicken fried.  It started out with a "light" cry.  That moved onto to a continuing series of grunts; kinda made me chuckle.  The grunts turned into a long, low growl.  And soon became a scene from The Exorcist: I couldn't see them directly, but I am pretty sure I could see the shadow of their table levitating.  And that screechy noise when the baby's head rotated 360º.  The baby couldn't talk, but I think I heard the eerie sound of "Your Mother eats kitty litter."  (That's the Saturday Night Live version rather than the Exorcist version of what your Mother does with goat genitals.)  Knowing we were going to be able to go soon, I had to chuckle at the noises coming out of that kid.

The noises stopped when we stood up to leave.  Again, I can't say for certain, but I think I understood a demonic voice say, "My work here is done."


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