Wednesday, October 9, 2019

It hurts... it really, really hurts...

This morning on the Today Show, there was a segment where the on-air folks got their flu shots.  I am sure we weren't the only ones who were spurred on by that piece.

Assuming it would be slow right before lunch, we went to our local Walgreens to get our flu shots.  And, pneumonia shots.  The nice young man at the pharmacy counter told Joan that "even though you are covered by Medicare, since it isn't quite your birthday, yet, you will get a different vaccine."  Seems that if you are over 65, you get a stronger vaccine.  He gave her the option of getting the shot today or waiting for a week.  She decided to wait.

Since I am looking at 65 in the rear view mirror, there was no issue for me.  Also, no one else in line.  By the time they processed my paperwork and the pharmacist was ready to give me the shot, two other couples (who probably saw that same piece on the Today Show) came in to get their flu shots.

When I came out of the little room where he gives the shots, I saw the four people waiting, and... walked with a limp and whimpered... "It hurts - it really, really hurts!"  The guys stared blankly, the women looked horrified... until one of them finally laughed.  I haven't done that since Jr High School.

We went out for lunch at Burger Fi.  This is no small recommendation: their burgers and fries are as good as Black Hills Burgers & Buns in Custer, SD.  And that, my friends, is good!  Afterwards we drove by the beach - it is amazingly void of people...

Beautiful, but hot.

Back home, I decided to take my scoot out for a bit; get the latest scooter tag and see if the new heavier bar end weights make any difference.  The current scooter tag is: your scoot at a bar.  I decided to go for a two-fer...

Capture the current tag, AND make the new tag "Your scoot at an espresso or coffee shop."  Two-in-one.  :-)

We have a guard shack an electronic "arm" at the entrance to our village.  The tag I have on my Vespa windshield wasn't opening the arm for me, so I swung back around and went to the Welcome Center to get a new tag.  The nice young lady at the counter looked up our information and got me a new electronic sticker for the windshield... and then it took me almost 15 minutes, in the heat, to get the old sticker off.  Yeah, that was my "one task for the day."  ;-)

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