Sunday, January 12, 2020

Getting serious...

After a couple days of gusty winds, we are gearing up to pull the boat.  First step in that...

Getting the boat trailer out of our storage unit.  It stays tucked in a corner, so the motorhome has to come out first.  Good time to exercise the generator.  And, look longingly a that getaway on wheels.  We hooked up the trailer, pulled it out, then put the motorhome back in...

Your time is coming soon.

Today, when the tide comes up a bit, we'll get the boat out.  I'm expecting the clean-up to be more of a chore this time: the bottom paint is in need of being refreshed and there is more "vegetation" than usual that will need to be sprayed, or scraped, off.  Yes, I've tried to clean that while standing on the boat, with a stiff brush on a long handle... that was mostly ineffective; kinda like giving the weeds a nice trim instead of pulling them.  ;-)

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