Friday, January 31, 2020

Oh, that's better...

We have been here in the desert for four days.  We had commitments the first three days.  Today: we got out on the scoots!  Oh, it wasn't an all-day and many mile affair, but it was a good ride; around the southwest part of Phoenix.  Urban cruising, but just far enough out that it wasn't a lot of traffic.

Before heading out...

No photos while riding.  But, it was cool (around 70º), sunny, almost not breeze.  Pretty darn pleasant riding conditions.  Along the way, we rode by housing developments, open road, agriculture (including two flower farms), and on mostly secondary roads (45 to 50 mph speed limits).

Back at our site, I checked the current scooter tag: "your scoot with your pet."  Well, that isn't really what the spirit of the scooter tag game is about (to get you riding), but it was easy enough for me to get it...

This evening, we will have supper with Dan and then head to Steph's school for an evening of "star gazing."  (Yes, a school sanctioned event.  Science, since they don't have an astronomy class.)

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