Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Take two...

No, still not recording.  Mark and I got together again today.  Joan and Cindy (Mark's wife) went to an assisted living place where Cindy's Dad was before he passed - they did sewing for residents who needed something repaired, restructured, or hemmed.  And then a stop to scout out some fabric for another project they both intend to do.

That left Mark and I unsupervised for the afternoon.  Scary, but we were deep into making music.  I also got the chance to try out some of Mark's guitar stuff - fun to play electric with all kinds of pedal and amp effects.  All about electric in my younger years, I have been playing mostly acoustic (yes, with pickups) for several decades.

At the end of the day, my fingertips are a bit sore - I have done more playing in the last two days than the previous month or more.  Feels good!

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