Saturday, July 24, 2021

Let's cut to the video...


Here's the narrated video from the ride where the Vespa and Bambi made contact on Needles Highway.  Well, there is very little about hitting the deer in the video - the camera wasn't on at that time, and the rest of the ride was very nice.

I shot a lot of video that day, with a plan to narrate the video during the editing process.  Took me a while to get into the editing.  No, I wasn't traumatized - we just had other stuff we were doing.  From my perspective, the coolest part of this video is the number of buffalo that were all over on either side of the main road... and some on the road.  You don't want to mix it up with those big animals.

Plenty of fun views of the ride on Needles Highway, as well.  Without further adue, here's the video...

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