Saturday, July 24, 2021

Those three little words...


No, not the ones you want to hear.  When I got back from my bicycle ride this morning, Joan was sitting outside with Rufus.  Not unusual; it was a lovely start to the day.  When I rolled into our site, she said, "There's a problem."

I really don't like to hear those words... too many things go through your head: the poop tank backed up and the motorhome is full of shit... Rufus bit a neighbor kid whose Father is a lawyer (with one of those phone numbers that are all the same number)... Steph and Dan called, they quit their jobs, and they (and their three cats) want to move in with us... Joan was gambling on-line and lost our nest egg.  Really, all kinds of bad scenarios run through your mind.

"Do tell," I said.

"The Magic Bullet I use to make smoothies died.  I tried it in a different outlet, so that isn't the problem.  I wiggled the power cord, still dead."

I said, "Well, you've done all you can do.  Let's go into town, I'll buy you breakfast, and you can get another Magic Bullet."  In the grand scheme of "there's a problem," this is WAY down the list. 

The bacon/chicken/honey maple sandwiches were good for breakfast, and Wally World had the updated version of the Magic Bullet.  You pay good money for something and it only lasts 16 years - no, that's not a problem, either.  Wally World wasn't even crazy busy on a Saturday morning.

Back home, with a fruit smoothie in my belly, we saw a head go by the window in our side door.  I stepped outside and asked, "Can I help you?"  The guy was taking a photo of the raised letter ASPECT on the side of our motorhome.  While standing on our patio matt, under our awning.

"Oh, hi - I want to get an RV, and this one is really pretty..."  I visited with him for a bit, including explaining RV site etiquette about not walking into someone's site uninvited.  He has never had an RV before.  "These RVs are not like going to an RV show - each site is like someone's yard, so if you want to ask them questions or look closer at their motorhome, you knock on the door and ask permission first."

I think he got it.  His friend stood by quietly, looking moderately embarrassed.

When I came back inside, Joan was dressed for a scooter ride.  Yep, time for me to gear up, too.  We took the scoots on our usual twisty roads, eventually onto Iron Mountain Road.  The weather weasels were calling for a 0% chance of precipitation today, so... of course, we got into some spitty rain; something I want to avoid without a front fender.  We doubled back, stayed in the clear, and had a lovely ride.

Not a bad way to enjoy a warm Saturday.  No photos - I still have some finishing up to do on the "deer day" video and don't need to add more work to my agenda.  Kidding - I don't have an agenda.

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