Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...


If you said, "Used for a scene change in the old TV series Bonanza," you get 25 bonus points.  It is also the title to a children's book.  My use of that title has nothing to do with Hart Ranch.

To digress: we had a lovely afternoon rain here at Hart Ranch.  We can use the moisture.  I was appreciative that it was a nice steady rain, a couple thunder-boomers, but no severe weather.  It also kept the heat down a bit.

To un-digress, I am talking about the situation on our island back home.  Seems that it has been more of the same stupid behavior, with underage drivers racing around in golf carts at 2:00 am with music blasting and other general inconsiderate behavior, and parents threatening our Security people when they try to stop the kids.  As usual, it divides the community, with people (owners and renters) who come to the Village as their get-away (and feel they should be allowed to do whatever they want) and those who live there and resent the loud and dangerous behavior.  It becomes "let kids be kids" (and it isn't kids - it is the parents who allow the behavior) vs "Someone is going to get hurt."

I side with sanity: a person's idea of "fun and freedom" ends when the behavior infringes on the safety and peace of others.

Being here at Hart Ranch, where Security does enforce the rules, makes me appreciate the "midwest politeness" here vs the "macho attitude"... rules are generally put into place as a response to stupid behavior.  The problem becomes: some people are so stupid that they think the rules don't apply to them.  That's when enforcement becomes necessary... and things often go south from there.  Nobody "wins."

Unfortunately, our Board of Directors doesn't meet in July, and in years past they have tabled any discussion of the "summer behavior" until September, when the problem magically goes away.  This year, it looks like the board is going to be forced to deal with it.  Our new security company is wearing body cams, so it won't be a "he said, yeah but, he said" situation.

Fall and spring are my favorite times there because the island is generally pretty quiet.  The more exposure I've had with stupid people since we re-retired, the more I like my cat, the dolphins, and I miss the whales.  I'm glad Joan and I are of a like-mind on this.


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