Monday, July 26, 2021

More Hot...


Hotter or just more of the same?  Thanks for asking - more of the same, through Wednesday, which will be moving day for us.  I'm looking forward to getting back on a paved pad again.  Yes, it is easy to get spoiled by the nice RV sites in the main part of Hart Ranch.  It is supposed to be 101º on Wednesday, so I'm hoping we can get an early start on it, like our last move.

We had planned to get out and about with the car today, but sometimes life gets in the way.  Looks like we will be staying closer to home.  One of us needed a prescription (yes, we're all fine), so it meant a trip to Urgent Care.  All things considered, it was a relatively easy process.  While waiting to go back to an exam room, I watched people come in... there is a sign on the outside door that says "Masks Are Required"... hey, it's a medical facility.  Yet, people would come in without masks... "This is bullshit - do you have a mask I can borrow?"

Apparently, it is not good form to say, "Yeah, here's one - the guy that wore it last died, so he won't be needing it."  Borrow?  Who wouldn't know that you need a mask to go into a medical facility?  Medical science hasn't come up with a cure for stupid, yet.  When/if they do, stupid people will think it is a conspiracy.

While messing with my phone, a thought came to me: one of the newest, bestest featured on my iPhone was facial recognition... pick up the phone, and when it sees your face, it opens.  No button pushing.  In fact, there is no home button to read your fingerprint.  Just in time for the pandemic and face masks.  So instead of one button with your finger print, you get to type in the numbers of your password to open the phone.  Technology is great. 

We have a new neighbor here in the Meadows.  The guy came roaring in with his UTV to toss out bicycles and flower pots.  Storage must have moved their 5th wheel onto the site, since there is no sign of a truck.  They put up a fence to contain their dog (haven't see the dog, yet).  They have "spread out a bit", with their UTV on the grass in our site.  No, we aren't "using" that grass, just shows how the demise of polite continues.

I took Rufus for a walk this morning.  Already hot out.  A guy who is working on cement patios being installed saw Ruf and said, "What a great looking cat!  That mane is gorgeous, but it sure looks hot!"  (He has been pouring cement, in the hot sun.  The cement guy, not Rufus.)

I said, "Yeah, all the girls tell him he is hot... oh, probably not what you meant, huh?"  They first notice him because he is walking on a leash, then go on to say how good looking he is.  They rarely comment on the good looks of the guy walking him, but that's probably because they don't want to seem too forward.

So, a bit of random thoughts today instead of a "what's happening" post.  Hot.  Hot is what's happening.


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