Friday, July 16, 2021

Music on the patio...


Not talking about a bar with outdoor seating.  This is out on our patio this morning...

Making some music for Joan and Rufus.  Ruf likes to have music while he's getting brushed.  Joan has her favorites that she likes to hear.  Yes, I take requests.  ;-)

A lovely morning, but it's going to be a warm one here by mid-afternoon.  Hey, it is mid-July.


So close...

Today was deemed "a shopping day."  Joan asked if we should make a stop at Haggerty's Music Works.  Yes, the place where I was checking out 12-strings earlier this week.  I had kinda narrowed it down to two models and wanted her to see what I was considering.  I think she is more excited about adding a 12-string than I am.


I played both models I'm considering so she could hear.  I think her ears were swayed by her eyes, as she really liked a more expensive model than the two I was considering.  Fortunately, there were two of the model that I narrowed it down to.  Even though they are the exact same model, there are differences.  One has a richer looking back and sides.  When I played them at some length, the better looking one was also the better sounding guitar.  To add to the positives: they have a Taylor Guitars rep there right now, doing a presentation for their customers... and, they had some good price incentives for this "event."

I told my salesman friend Pat, "I'll take that one."

He said, "Good choice!  Let me go get the case for that one," and disappeared.

A few seconds after he stepped out of the room, Joan asked, "What's that?" pointing to the front of the guitar.  Well, damn, that lovely new Taylor has what looks like a crack in the finish.  I examined it closer (I sure didn't see that all the time I was playing it)... yep, that ain't right.  When Pat came back with the case, we pointed out what we saw.  He went to get the owner of the store, who confirmed, "That is going to have to go back to Taylor to be refinished."

We dodged a bullet, thanks to Joan's closer examination.  I tried the other same model... nope, it doesn't sound as good; nor looks as good.  I tried the significantly more expensive other model that wasn't in the initial consideration.  Nope, the one with the finish issue sounds better than that one, as well.  I played a couple more Taylor 12-strings and decided I was going to go home empty-handed today.

With the Taylor rep right there, Pat told us they'd have another model coming in within two weeks.  I can wait.  Seems that one of us is having a birthday on Sunday, and Joan thought this would be good to celebrate with.  For the record, I may be the only one who remembers saying, "Let's consider that my birthday present" for camera and music gear I got before we left home.

I think Joan is more disappointed than I am.  They make new guitars all the time.  There'll be another if it's meant to be.  I'm just glad Joan saw this before buying the guitar.

Lunch out, then more shopping... for stuff not nearly as much fun as guitars.  Back to the motorhome just in time for the typical "late afternoon thunderstorm" to come rolling through.  It looks ugly, and there are reports of hail and 60mph winds near Mt Rushmore.  We pulled the slides in... just in case.  As of right now, the rain is ramping up, the wind is building, and the temperature has dropped from 90º to 64º; thunder and lightning.  Looking at radar, we have an hour to go before this crappy weather passes.

Rufus is glad we are home.

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