Sunday, August 20, 2023

Canyon Cruising...


Some photos from the ride through Spearfish Canyon, Lead, Deadwood, Boulder Canyon, and Sturgis... a good ride, nice weather, reasonably light traffic for a weekend.

Cruising through Spearfish Canyon...


I shot some video through Lead and Deadwood, but no stills.  Then, Boulder Canyon...

Back when we lived in Boulder Canyon, it was considered "the most dangerous road in South Dakota" - based mostly on flatlanders riding between Sturgis and Deadwood during the Rally, with a couple drinks in 'em.  About 15 years ago, this whole road was re-done, making it much safer; the curves made more gradual, and much of the road expanded from 2-lane to 4.

I stopped for lunch in Sturgis.  Here's a shot as I was leaving the Loud American Roadhouse - you can see how empty the street is one week after the Rally...

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