Saturday, August 26, 2023

So, that was different...


I got out for a motorcycle ride this afternoon.  No, that's not the different part.  I have been getting out earlier generally, so I expected some traffic today.  It certainly met my expectations.  However, I was not held up by a single Minnesota driver... I know: one in a row!

With school started locally, the local folks are getting out and about for the weekend - absolutely glorious weather.  So, it was mostly "County 2" (that's Pennington County - Rapid City) license plates that were taking turns slowing down the traffic.

I decided to shoot some video for a remembrance of Playhouse Road.  I have mentioned this before, but there are two distinct sections of Playhouse Road: the first section is from Hwy 40 to Iron Mountain Road, the second section is from Iron Mountain Road to Needles Highway, in Custer State Park.  It got its name because the road runs right past the Black Hills Playhouse (duh), also in Custer State Park.

I'll work up the video another time, but here are a few photos shot through the windshield...

 Yes, cows.  Not the "fluffy" kind like in Custer State Park.  And a lot of bovine excrement on the road.  No shit.


New House Update:

Front, side, and back yards have been graded...

Countertops in kitchens and bathrooms...

Shower doors on Steph and Dan's master bath (above).

Steph was excited that the A/C is on - it was 71 degrees in the house.

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