Friday, August 18, 2023



If you said, "A 1994 film, starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock," you get 15 bonus points.  If you said, "The way you ride your motorcycle," you get no bonus points, and I am shocked you would even think that.

I had a LOT of video from yesterday's ride to Custer State Park, around the Wildlife Loop, then out Hwy 89 to Hwy 87 to Hwy 244.  I figure everybody's seen the begging burros, and the antelope and bison were a long ways out... I enjoy seeing the bikes running through the curves, but I think I may be a party of one.

Here's a short (but fast) look at a "sporting" section of road on Highway 87, just outside Custer State Park.  Hang on, and enjoy!


It's Moving Day...

Again.  On the bright side, I was able to get us a site in the main part of the resort, only a block away from where we are currently.  It's part of the "21 days in, 9 days out" policy.  We had to go to the Meadows (known to us as Purgatory Flats) on our last 9 days out.  There will be one more move, in 9 days, which will be our last site here for this season.  The time has gone fast.

It is going to be a hot one in the ol' town tonight.  Well, today.  The predicted high for today is 103º; if that happens, it will be the first day over 100º here this year.  Even getting after it early today, it is going to be a hot move.  It was 61º when I got up, shortly after 6:00 am; at 7:00, it is already 80º.


Since it wasn't far to go, we were completely moved in before 10:00.  Utilities and patio set up.  Rufus has already been out for a short walk... well, mostly a "look around."  We can see our previous site from here, but we are on a different street.  We'll take a longer walk to see how the neighborhood dogs are.  It's already 88º.  In the meantime, Rufus is excited...

"Is this MY tree?  I love this tree!  Oh, look - the neighbor's have a bigger tree."  It's one of those "the other man's grass is always greener" things.  I'm just happy I don't have to mow the grass...

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