Monday, August 7, 2023

I didn't have it in me...


"Is this something like the movie Alien?" you ask.  No.  Just no.  I spent several hours today downloading more video.  Yes, it takes longer to download and "process" (not like in the film days) video than it does to shoot it.  After making that "shorts" version this morning, I decided that the hours of video I shot was going to get significantly condensed.  It is a lot of work, especially when trying to meld together video from two cameras.  I may have to upgrade my video editing software at some point.  I enjoy this stuff... to a point.

Fortunately (from a working on video point of view), it was another rainy day.  I did get the furry boy out for a walk this morning before the drizzle, then the rain, came pouring down.  I didn't have anything else going, so I spent most of the day messing with video files.  In the end, I made the video just about the ride down Main Street.  I added a few stills, but didn't including the "walking around" footage.  Yeah, it's a lot of motorcycles; yeah, a bunch of people wearing black shirts; yeah, some funny t-shirts; lots of food vendors; rock 'n roll music blasting from various bars and venues along Main Street.

So, here is a 5 1/2 minute video about making that 12 minute ride the 6 blocks of Main Street (that will give you an idea of how much stop and go there is)...

I will probably go up there again during the Rally - might even shoot more video ('cause I do enjoy that).  But, I'll try to make it easy to go through and edit.  This ain't my job.  And when the weather turns nice again (and it is supposed to), I'll be riding.

Rufus doesn't understand why he can't go for a walk this evening; it has quit raining.  But the pavement is wet and the grass is wetter.  Joan said, "He'll need galoshes..." and I'm not buy or putting anything like that on him.  I still have scabs from the "mean drunk" episode.  But, really, he's a good boy.  Besides galoshes, he'd need an upside down raincoat around his undercarriage to keep his belly from getting wet from the grass.  Joan would probably need to give us both a bath... and the shower in the motorhome just isn't big enough for that.  But, go ahead - try to get that mental image out of your head.  ;-)



Earl49 said...

Lucy goes out a lot through her flap. When it is raining or the sprinklers are running, she comes back in and jumps on me in bed. "Pet me dry, Dad. Pet me dry". So adorable.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I say the same thing to Joan when I come in from the rain (and jump on her in bed). She does not find it adorable. For full disclosure, I do not call her "Dad"... picture this: "Pet me dry, pretty Momma!" in my best Elvis voice. TMI?

This is just the start of embarrassing things I'm saving up to say when we visit Steph at her new job. It gives me something to look forward to on this upcoming move to the desert.