Sunday, November 17, 2019

Solo ride...

Joan had "projects" around the house today.  I asked, "Can you use my help, or would it be better if I stay out of your way?"

"Please, go ride your scooter or take the boat out." No need to tell me twice.  We put a storage cabinet together for her last week, and she wanted to get it positioned and filled in the storage area under our house.   And arrange other stuff.   Wash windows.  Paint a marker for our address.  Sounds like a one-person job(s) to me.

Besides, I wanted to try some other things with the helmet communicator.   And take a moment to get the current scooter tag.  And ride.   Because... I am not a slacker.

My main goal was to see how the helmet communicator and phone play together when multi-tasking.  I turned on the comm, paired it with the phone, and pulled up SeriusXM for some music.  Yep, works great.   Riding around town, the volume was good and I could still hear traffic around me.   With the music playing, I stopped to grab and send a photo for the scooter tag game...

All good. I pulled up Waze to see if it would still keep the music playing. Yep. Then, I asked Siri to call Steph... it muted the music and made the phone call.   I could hear her just fine, and she said there was "not much difference" in the sound of the call vs straight from the phone.  I ran the scoot up to 60 mph going over the causeway, and the conversation continued all the same.

Yep, the phone can handle it and works slick with the helmet communicator.  When I hung up the phone, the music came back up.   A flick of the finger and Waze was back on the screen.  When I got home and turned the helmet comm off, it said there was 90% battery remaining; that was after two hours yesterday (with us talking bike-to-bike) and an hour today playing music and using the phone.   I am happy with that.  A USB connection I added to the Vespa kept the phone happy - even with the different usage, the phone battery was gaining charge.

Yep, that's all I hoped for.

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