Tuesday, July 6, 2021

One of my favorite views here...


Coming over the top of this hill, seeing this view unveiled...


Just a short share from yesterday's ride.  This hill is on South Rockerville Road, on the way anytime we are heading south.

Looks to be a cooler, partly cloudy day today; I got sprinkled on during my morning bicycle ride; 67º to start the day.  Nice!


After a late lunch in Rapid City, when we got back to the motorhome, I decided to head out for a short solo ride this afternoon.  Tech-stuff to test out: since Joan and I wouldn't be talking on or helmet communicators, I put the Instamic in my helmet and it linked up right away with the Insta360 One R camera.  I wanted to test out all this stuff together.

Unfortunately, you can't monitor the mic while it is recording.  I had last tested it in my helmet back home, and felt I had the mic gain settings down.  The mic was streaming, according to the app on my phone.  The camera was recording video, and presumably audio with the Instamic... except, the video feed from the camera to my phone was acting goofy... but, the red flashing light that shows you are recording was showing on the camera.

I had a great run on the back roads, and only one car in front of me on Iron Mountain Road, and he pulled over to let me get around.  Some truly fun riding!  Plus, at 79º, it was cool enough that I could wear my armored mesh jacket.

It wasn't until I got home that I found out the camera was shooting on "hyperspeed" - 16 times normal speed.  Of course, it won't record audio in that mode.  Even slowing the footage down to 1/4 speed (as slow as it will go), it was 4 times normal speed - all unusable and no audio to see if the mic gain was set well.  A waste of video battery, but it was still a great ride.  I did a couple "snapshots" from the goofy looking video...


Bob said...

108 degrees in Boulder City, NV - did I say hot??? Bob J.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Whew! But, it's a DRY heat. Kinda like having the dry heaves is better than throwing up? Stay cool, Bob!