Saturday, November 27, 2021

It's beginning to look a lot like...


If you said, "Christmas!" you get one bonus point.  If you said, "The song was published in 1951, written by Meredith Willson, performed by Perry Como and a bunch of other artists," you get 50 bonus points.  If you asked, "Has winter come to the Tropical Tip?" you get no bonus points.  It's a gray day, the aftermath of the norther that came through yesterday, but at noon it is 65º out, and the north wind has dropped to 10 mph; I even got a bicycle ride in this morning.

On Thanksgiving, I did a bit of outdoor decorating; nothing major, some lights and a wreath on the railing on our deck, facing the canal.  I put them on a timer, so it doesn't take much attention once they're up.  Today, I decided it was time to put up the tree.

For a lot of years, it had been a tradition for us to put up the tree on our anniversary in early December.  Last year, knowing I was going into the hospital for prostate cancer surgery on Nov 30th, we put the tree up on Thanksgiving.  I kinda liked having it up early, considering that last year (with the pandemic) could use some cheering up.

One of us is like Buddy the Elf around this season.  I won't mention any names, but it's me.  I got the tree and decorations out of our underneath storage.  It's an artificial tree, but it looks great: tall and slender, it fits in our cottage home; it has pre-strung lights that can be multi-colored, just white, solid glowing, or blinking.  The most fun for me is getting out what I call the personal decorations; some were made by Steph when she was a kid, many were picked up in our travels, representing some special times.  Feel good stuff.  I supplement that with other more typical ornaments.  I like how it looks...

We had Alexa play some Christmas music; while I worked on the tree, Joan put up some other wall and table decorations.  We also have a "Sandy Claws" photo of each of the cats we've had in the family; the girls all looked like they were being punished, Rufus looks like, "I look good, huh!"


That is one of my favorite photos of him.

Speaking of Rufus, I took him outside after lunch.  He likes to get his face in the grass...

 While looking around, I saw this in the grass...

It looks like a green butterfly, it's a bit of clover that lost a leaf.  But, back to Rufus: I probably don't have to tell you he's a good boy, but he is.  A clean boy, too.  Sometimes he doesn't look too dignified in the process...

He said, "Dude, would you like me to post a photo of you washing your balls?"  The furry boy has a point.  But, even spread-eagle, he's still handsome.

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