Wednesday, November 24, 2021



No, we are not getting supplied up for the zombie apocalypse.  A trek out to the storage unit to put the pink stuff in the water lines and make sure the tires are all still at the right pressure.  Winterizing the water lines turned out to be more of a pain than I anticipated.  The water heater bypass didn't bypass... that means the water heater swallowed up all the pink stuff before it could get in the lines.  We "re-captured" pink stuff from the water heater and sent it through a second... and third... time.

The air chuck on the compressor took a dump, so I had to use our car compressor which has to work real hard on motorhome (truck)... which makes it heat up... which makes it crap out.  So, that's fun.  Joan was helping me with both of those tasks as well as getting things done inside the coach.  Somehow, it doesn't seem so much like work when we're gearing up for a fun trip.

There will be one more trip to the storage unit before the long haul to the frozen northland... get food onboard, bottled water, and my flannel-lined jeans.  Glad I didn't give those away.

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