Saturday, November 6, 2021

That thing is faster than my golf cart...


Not talking about the Vespa (but, yes, it is faster than a golf cart)

I got out on 3 different 2-wheel conveyances today.  First thing this morning, I put on a stocking cap and gloves and got out for my morning exercise on the Trail Viper (e-bike).  Pretty quiet for a weekend; that may be due to the cool temperature: 62º, not much breeze, and sunshine.

A bit later, I took the Vespa out for some scooter therapy... not place to go.  I did take a moment to hook a 360 camera to the scoot.  I think that is the first I've done that since we've been home.  The preview image...

And, the video...

I had to see if I could remember how to edit a video.  ;-)

Later this afternoon, it was errand running: I took the little e-scoot to drop off garbage and pick up the mail.  At the parking lot by our mail boxes, a lady said to me: "That little bike of yours really goes - I couldn't keep up with you in my golf cart!"

She must have a really slow golf cart.  When I've checked speed on the e-scoot, it tops out at 17mph (according to the GPS in my phone).  Sure is handy for these short runs.

Nice enough this afternoon that we spent some time out on our deck... we battled to a tie with our Monopoly cards.  Joan handily won the first three games.  She asked if I was done after the third game.  Nope.  I won the next three games... "Now, I'm done."  I knew my luck wouldn't hold out; I'll take the tie.  ;-)

A very nice Saturday in the Tropical Tip.

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