Saturday, November 20, 2021

The highlight...


I went out for a ride on the Vespa today.  After a norther came through yesterday, it was a cool, but clear start to the day.  I wore a jacket on my bicycle ride this morning.  By the time I was ready to take the Vespa out, it was 73º and gorgeous; the north wind had eased off, making for one of those "Chamber of Commerce" days.

I didn't strap on a video or a camera.  It probably wouldn't have helped capture what I considered the highlight of today's ride: looking out toward the eastern shore of the Laguna Madre from the causeway, I saw three dolphins playing "leap frog."  (Leap dolphin?)  Four consecutive jumps, with the dolphins "in formation."  It would have been spectacular viewing up close in a boat, but it was darn fine to see from slightly above on the causeway.  There were no boats anywhere near these playing cetaceans.  They weren't looking for attention, they were just having fun!

The rest of the ride was good: light traffic and Mother Nature smiling down.

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