Wednesday, November 10, 2021

New Gear Day...


"You got your front fender finally?" you ask. No. It has been "moved back" three times now from the "expected delivery." But, I digress. This came today...

A mesh shirt with armor. It is still in the 80s here most days, so this will get plenty of use. Plus, Joan says I look "muscular" while wearing it. :-) Chicks; go figure. It isn't easy being pretty. Or, vice versa. I get tired of being a boy toy. I want to be appreciated for my mind. What was the question?

It didn't show up until about 5:30 today, so I put it on and hopped on the Vespa for a run across the causeway - nice ventilation. The back armor is a bit thick, but I have some thinner armor that I took out of an old coat; I may try that in there. I'd post an image of me looking all muscular, but as soon as I got home, Joan insisted that I get out of it so she could wash it... before I even "think about wearing it again." Yeah, I think she was just trying to get me out of my shirt.

I took the armor out, she hand washed it. The wash water was a bit dark, likely from the black dye in the fabric... I told her that would have given my pasty white torso a more tan look if it had run onto my skin. Apparently, I am the only one who thinks I am funny.

This will in no way give one protection from road rash, other than the areas where the armor is (shoulders, elbows, forearm, back). With the heat and humidity here, there are days where I just can't bear to wear a mesh jacket. Put a thin white shirt over this, and it will be more protection than just a shirt.

 It isn't all about riding.  Sometimes you just have to kick back and relax...

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