Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Full Beaver Moon...


It's been quite a while since I posted a full moon photo.  This month, according to the Farmers' Almanac, it is the Beaver Full Moon: this is the time of the year that beavers are building their winter dams.  This photo is from late last night...


It is also sometimes called the Frost Moon, signaling the hard frosts that signal winter is coming.

The exact timing of the full moon will happen overnight tonight, but it is very unlikely we will be able to see it - we woke up to thunder this morning, solid overcast, a chance of heavy rain throughout the day and into the night.  The moon will appear full through tomorrow night.

This will also be a "blood moon" since there will be a partial lunar eclipse, occurring in the middle of the night... yeah, even if it isn't solid overcast, odds are pretty good I won't be up to see it.  Unlike a total lunar eclipse, this will look more like a "dimming" of the moon, giving it that red cast.

Expect the usual "full moon craziness" that comes over some people during the full moon.


I got out for an abbreviated bike ride this morning, keeping an eye on the sky and listening to the rumble of thunder.  A short break in the clouds, looking down our canal...


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