Monday, May 13, 2019

A couple laps of the island...

No, not in the boat.  Today was a new step forward in my physical therapy: I walked several laps of the island.  Without the walker.  Not the island we live on - pretty sure I couldn't walk much beyond the driveway.  This was an exercise to see how close I am getting to be cleared for using a cane - I walked around the island in our kitchen, using the countertop for support.  While the PT guy stood right beside me.

I asked if I was ready for the cane: "Not yet, but you are progressing."  He gave me some other (painful) exercises that, when I can do them without pain (or a minimum of pain), will be the indicator that I am ready for the cane.

He was less than enthralled that I have fed Rufus the last two days, concern about bending all the way to the floor.  I showed him how I was using the walker for support, kicking the left leg back to take any strain off the hip, and a careful reach.  In his German accent, he said, "Feeding cat not as important as protecting hip."

"Rufus would beg to differ."  ;-)

He encouraged me to not put emphasis on loosening the stiffness in my left leg: "That will come as the bruising and swelling in the muscles improves.  All in due time."

Now, regarding those laps around the island - not a great distance, but it felt great moving around without holding onto the walker.  Another step forward.


A few photos with my furry boy: sitting together in the chair...

Rufus providing security while I stretch out in the chair...

Sitting on the back of the chair, by my shoulders...

He's a good boy.  :-)

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