Monday, April 19, 2021

It doesn't always work...


Out for a ride on the Vespa this afternoon, I wanted to try a two camera set-up: a GoPro on a chest mount and the Insta 360 mounted on the mirror stalk.  I can only control one camera at a time with my phone, so I just turned on the GoPro and let it run, choosing to control the Insta with my phone.

I expected I'd see the speedometer and a view through the windshield with the GoPro, and that's kinda how it worked out.  "Kinda," because it looked cluttered from that perspective.  Since I went through the work of setting it up, I decided to do a short video anyway.  The preview and the video...

 That's the "tiny planet" feature on the Insta 360 One R.  Here's a two minute video of a typical ride here...


This morning, while out for my bicycle ride, the aftermath of the wind and rain over the weekend was apparent with the tree-debris spread across the street...

That's the dead needles from the hard freeze we had in February.  On the bright side, there are signs that some flowering plants are coming back...

Blooming cacti above and below...

Pretty quiet on that morning ride... no traffic to dodge while looking around and taking a few photos.  A nice week ahead, weather-wise.  

While walking Rufus this evening, a van slowed down as they passed.  A young worker for an RV/car wash service looked at Rufus and said, "I haven't seen a cat on a leash before - that's cool!"  He is not wrong.

There is currently a vote going on in the 4 classes at Steph's grade level... no one is running for office.  It's a contest for the "Cutest Pet."  There are some cats (Steph's included), dogs, a couple guinea pigs, and a bird.  Since I did speak to her class via Zoom last month, it seemed only right that Rufus should be in the contest... not to mention that Steph has talked about Rufus in her homeroom (when they can have open topics).  The vote will run today through Thursday... as of right now, Rufus is in the lead.  Of course, there is always the possibility of someone on the inside using their influence to sway the voters... I'm not mentioning any names, but word has it that Steph changed her submitted photos at the last minute.  This was Rufus's entry...

My completely unbiased opinion is: if I were allowed to vote, I would vote for this extremely cute cat.  I will keep you updated on this, or you should be able to see coverage of this election on the major television networks.  ;-)

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