Thursday, April 1, 2021

You need to do something about this!


OK, not the first time I've heard that.

The weather turned last night - the wind switched from south to north, and once again blew like stink.  And, rain.  Kinda like what we'd expect if Steph and Dan were coming to visit.  Oh, yeah, they are.  We will pick them up at the airport late tonight.  On the bright side, it is supposed to be nice the next few days while they're here.

Joan and I went to the store this morning.  You know there's been a change in the weather by the fact that we were both wearing long pants and sweatshirts.  When we got home from our grocery excursion, Rufus wanted to go outside.  He stepped out onto the landing at the front door, with his mane blowing in the wind.  He turned the other way and a gust blew onto his hind end... he really doesn't like that... "You need to do something about this!"  Oh, yeah, that's where I've heard it before.

Apparently, the boy thinks I have control of everything, including Mother Nature.  The boy would be mistaken.  "Here's an option for you, Ruf: stay outside and have the wind blow on you, or go back inside."

He went back inside.  Never made it off the landing.  And settled in for a nap.  Now, that is what you can do about it.  ;-)

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